Sequim Rare Plants, Sequim, WA 98382

Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso Variegata'

Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso Variegata'Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso Variegata'

•  Click here to visit our Main Plant List page for current availability of this plant
•  common name: daylily
•  flowering season: August
•  height: 3 to 3½ feet
•  Light requirements: full sun or a half day of sunlight
•  Soil requirements: average soil is adequate although it likes a rich soil
•  Water requirments: drought tolerant although it likes regular watering
•  Growth habit: grows as a slowly widening clump and also sends out shoots underground that will pop up a foot or two beyond the plant
•  How to propagate: divide in spring or early summer
•  Leaf type: arching, long, linear leaves that are striped in green and cream
•  Ways to use it: long lived in the garden without much fuss
•  Special characteristics: older plants will have double flowers in late summer
•  Other points of interest: although most daylilies require little care, this variegated one needs more care by removing the occasional shoot that sprouts in spring with all-green leaves

(variegated, double-flowered daylily) This plant, Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso Variegata,' is named following the guidance of the book, The Daylily: A Guide for Gardeners, by John P. Peat and Ted L. Petit. Having double flowers of orange, once it reaches flowering size a plant will spread quickly by underground shoots, so it requires effort to keep it within bounds. And it has been criticized for sometimes having sideshoots that are all-green. We notice this with our plants, and discard any all-green sideshoots when they first show in spring. In any case the plants we send will have striped leaves, so you will be off to a good start ! Cold hardy to -35°F.


flower of Hemerocallis fulva 'Kwanso Variegata'

Sequim Rare Plants, 500 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim, WA 98382 USA  - -  (360) 775-1737